Garmin har kommet med en aldri så liten oppdatering til sin FR630. Her retter de en hel haug med feil, og kommer med et par nye funksjoner.
Firmware oppdateringen kom 5.mai.
Klokken oppdaterer du enten via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth eller Garmin Express.
Følgende oppdateringer kom med versjon 4.30:
- Added support for Connect IQ 1.2.6
- Added support for searching for sensors manually.
- Improved Wi-Fi reliability and security
- Improved the battery performance when used at sub-freezing temperatures.
- Wi-Fi transfers are now encrypted
- Notification and message banners are now displayed silently even when Do Not Disturb is active
- Corrected the order of the default training pages, including moving the Target page next to the Virtual Partner page.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the Virtual Partner to show incorrect numbers when using Race an Activity with an activity that had multiple pauses.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a cadence goal during a workout to be incorrect.
- Fixed a bug that could sometimes cause the “”error” tone to play in place of the nromal key tone.
- Fixed a bug that caused the listed weeks withing totals -> Weekly to appear selectable when it is not.
- Fiexed a bug that allowed a user profile to be set taller than 8’4 or 254cm.
- Fixed a bug that caused Auto Laps to collide with workouts steps.
- Includes various bug fixes and stability improvements.
- Added support for speed/pace and heart rate audio prompts.
- Added support to download stored heart rate data from compatible straps (HRMTri and HRM-Swim)
- Fixed an issue in which the virtual partner pace could get set to 4:00/mile when switching between activity profiles.
- Fixed pace alerts inworkouts.
- Includes various bug fixes and stability improvements
- Time Zone Map fix
- ANT/BLE N3 Firmware update to support manufacturing.
- Forerunner 630 touchscreen, improved menu buttion performance